Tuesday, January 29, 2013

School and Work 

I started school about 3 weeks ago. It's going fairly well. I admit, It's been a very long time since I've been in school. I wanted to start college right away when I came home from my mission but, God had other plans for me. Due to total reconstructive surgery of both my feet....I was left to do nothing but lay on the couch. I considered doing online classes but, most of the time I was so drugged up, in so much pain or, so sick from all the medications and fighting the pain that, it was hard to focus on watching movies or playing a video games. 

I've had issues with UVU in getting into classes and starting them. Mostly financial reasons. This semester, however, I decided that no matter what happens...I was going to start. Dove right into it and now, here I am. Again, going fairly well so far. Some days are harder than others. I have a hard time focusing on things like academics or, when I have to read or study. 3 classes, 2 days a week is not bad at all. But, I'm new to this. And then, add 40 hr weeks of work and the schedule starts to get messy. Monday is a typical day. Get up, get ready for the day, go to work, come home, eat dinner, do homework, spend some time with my wife, go to bed. Tuesday. I get up, get ready, go to school, come home, eat a quick lunch, pack a dinner, go to work, get home around 11 pm and then go to bed, etc. You can start to see how the rest of my week goes. I usually find some time in those days to cram in some time to do homework. 

It's not easy for me. I feel overwhelmed sometimes. I feel really tired. REALLY tired. More then I've been since I was on my mission. Lol I go to work and it seems like I have homework there as well. My manager is waiting there for me and she tells me what went on that morning and, things that need to be done that night while I am there. Since I was just made the new night manager over the Service Deli, I am held to more responsibilities. I basically have a checklist. Much like one I have for school. Just in a different setting. 

It has been quite the challenge and journey thus far. But, I am loving the experience. I've learned some new and interesting things in school. Old things I thought I had lost or forgotten are being brought back to my memory. I know most of you out there have already gone through this or, are still going through it and think "it's no big deal" but, it is to me. I know eventually this will become second nature to me but, just had to share what is going on with my life and how things are going. I'm alive and doing well. Doing the best that I can. Welcome to my life.