Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fixing things!!

Growing up, I always watched and admired my father for the way he would fix things around our house. I couldn't wait till I was old enough to be entrusted with tools. Any of you ladies who are reading this, yes, that sounds really dorky. But I am a guy after all and it is in my DNA to want to fix things. As I got older, my grandfather gave me the opportunity to work for him on his farm in Springville. 
I got to learn from both my father and my grandfather. I had a chance to use those skills they taught and get better and better at them. Since I've been married, I've been able to incorporate a lot of those same skills in fixing small things around our apartment. We live in a great apartment. Great location, and a great land lady. I want to do my best to keep this place in a good condition so when we move they don't have to fix a lot of stuff up. That way, those who move in after us will come into a warm, nice, inviting place that they can establish themselves in. 

I've fixed many things. The toilet (old and a pain!) but, gotta do what you do to have that nice plumbing. Lucky for me, thus far, the repairs have been small and within my range of knowledge that I have received. Fixing doors, dresser drawers, lamps, etc. And today, the closet. We have one long bar that stretches the entire length of the closet and in the middle there is a triangle shaped support that keeps the bar in place. One of the smaller screws that goes underneath the support and rest right below a shelf, fell out due to the weight of the clothes that Brittany and I have combined. 

I was getting a little worried because, without that tiny little screw, the larger one in the middle was starting to feel the full force of the weight and was starting to sag. The support was starting to give out and I didn't want it to finally give up and fall causing to the support. So, I found a replacement screw in my toolbox, got out the power drill and went to work. I'm happy to say that the fixing process went smooth. Nothing was broken or damage (myself included) 

It just gives me a good feeling when I am able to do stuff like this. It gives me a sense of accomplishment even though the job is small and simple. I truly am grateful for a patient, loving father who could see the skills that I would need in my future and was willing to teach me at a young age. Even though at the time, I kept thinking "It's gonna be a long time before I ever use any of this" that time came a lot faster than I had expected. 

1 comment:

Brittany Nicole said...

Bueno. Now you can fix my sad exercise ball. :)